No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CBurgersImplementation of a parametrized full order Burgers and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve
 CEnKF_1DinverseHeatTransferClass where the UQ tutorial number 2 is implemented
 CFoam2EigenClass to converts OpenFOAM objects into Eigen and viceversa
 CIHTP01inverseLaplacian_CGClass where the first inverse heat transfer problem tutorial is solved using Alifanov's regularization
 CIHTP01inverseLaplacian_paramBCClass where the first inverse heat transfer problem tutorial is solved using the Parameterization of the heat flux
 CincrementalPODImplementation of a incremental POD algorithm according to Oxberry et al
 CinverseLaplacianProblemImplementation of a inverse Laplacian problem
 CinverseLaplacianProblem_CGImplementation of a Alifanov's regularization to solve inverse Laplacian problems
 CinverseLaplacianProblem_paramBCImplementation of a parameterization method to solve inverse Laplacian problems
 CinverseLaplacianProblemTotalHeatMeasure_CGClass to implement a full order inverse laplacian problem
 CinverseLaplacianProblemTotalHeatMeasure_paramBCClass to implement a full order inverse laplacian problem
 CITHACADMDClass of the computation of the DMD, it exploits the SVD methods
 CITHACAparallelClass for parallel handling, it has several functions to deal with parallel problems, the class is implemented as a singletone
 CITHACAparametersClass for the definition of some general parameters, the parameters must be defined from the file ITHACAdict inside the system folder
 ClaplacianProblemClass to implement a full order laplacian parametrized problem
 CModesImplementation of a container class derived from PtrList
 CmsrProblemClass to implement Molten Salt Reactor multiphysics problem
 Cnewton_argumentTemplate object created to solve non linear problems using the Eigen library
 Cnewton_msr_fdStructure to implement a newton object for a stationary MSR problem
 Cnewton_steadyNSStructure to implement a newton object for a stationary NS problem
 Cnewton_unsteadyBB_supNewton object for the resolution of the reduced problem using a supremizer approach
 Cnewton_unsteadyNS_PPENewton object for the resolution of the reduced problem using a PPE approach
 Cnewton_unsteadyNS_supNewton object for the resolution of the reduced problem using a supremizer approach
 Cnewton_unsteadyNST_supNewton object for the resolution of the reduced problem using a supremizer approach
 CnewtonSteadyNSTurbIntrusiveStructure to implement a newton object for a stationary NS problem
 CnewtonSteadyNSTurbSUPStructure to implement a newton object for a stationary NS problem
 ConlineInterpClass for the online evaluation of the coefficient manifold for PODI
 CreducedLaplacianClass to solve the online reduced problem associated with a Laplace problem
 CreducedProblemBase class for the implementation of a reduced problem
 CreducedSimpleSteadyNSClass where it is implemented a reduced problem for the steady Navier-stokes problem
 CreducedSteadyNSClass where it is implemented a reduced problem for the steady Navier-stokes problem
 CReducedSteadyNSTurbClass where it is implemented a reduced problem for the steady turbulent Navier-stokes problem
 CReducedSteadyNSTurbIntrusiveClass where it is implemented a reduced problem for the steady turbulent Navier-stokes problem
 CReducedUnsteadyBBClass where it is implemented a reduced problem for the unsteady Navier-stokes problem
 CreducedUnsteadyNSClass where it is implemented a reduced problem for the unsteady Navier-stokes problem
 CReducedUnsteadyNSExplicitClass where it is implemented a reduced problem for the unsteady Navier-stokes problem
 CreducedUnsteadyNSTClass where it is implemented a reduced problem for the unsteady Navier-stokes weakly coupled with the energy equation problem
 CReducedUnsteadyNSTTurbClass where it is implemented a reduced problem for the unsteady Navier-stokes weakly coupled with the energy equation problem
 CReducedUnsteadyNSTurbClass where it is implemented a reduced problem for the unsteady Navier-stokes problem
 CReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusiveClass where it is implemented a reduced problem for the unsteady Navier-stokes problem
 CreductionProblemA general class for the implementation of a full order parametrized problem
 CsteadyNSImplementation of a parametrized full order steady NS problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve
 CSteadyNSSimpleImplementation of a parametrized full order steady NS problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve
 CSteadyNSTurbImplementation of a parametrized full order steady turbulent Navier Stokes problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve
 CSteadyNSTurbIntrusiveImplementation of a parametrized full order steady turbulent Navier Stokes problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve
 CthermocouplesPlaneClass defining a plane for thermocouples measurements interpolation
 Ctutorial02Class where the tutorial number 2 is implemented
 Ctutorial06Class where the tutorial number 6 is implemented
 Ctutorial23Class where the tutorial number 2 is implemented
 CtutorialIPODClass where the tutorial number 20 is implemented
 CUnsteadyBBImplementation of a parametrized full order unsteady Boussinesq problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve
 CunsteadyNSImplementation of a parametrized full order unsteady NS problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve
 CUnsteadyNSExplicitImplementation of a parametrized full order unsteady NS problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve
 CunsteadyNSTImplementation of a parametrized full order unsteady NS problem weakly coupled with the energy equation and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve
 CUnsteadyNSTTurbImplementation of a parametrized full order unsteady NST problem weakly coupled with the energy equation and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve
 CUnsteadyNSTurbImplementation of a parametrized full order unsteady NS problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve
 CUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusiveImplementation of a parametrized full order unsteady NS problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve