►Ncnpy | |
►NColor | |
►NFoam | |
►NITHACAtorch | |
CBurgers | Implementation of a parametrized full order Burgers and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve |
CDEIM_function | |
CDEIMLaplacian | |
CEnKF_1DinverseHeatTransfer | Class where the UQ tutorial number 2 is implemented |
CFoam2Eigen | Class to converts OpenFOAM objects into Eigen and viceversa |
CFofM | |
CHyperReduction | |
CHyperReduction_function | |
CHyperReduction_vectorFunction | |
CHyperReduction_vectorScalarFunction | |
CIHTP01inverseLaplacian_CG | Class where the first inverse heat transfer problem tutorial is solved using Alifanov's regularization |
CIHTP01inverseLaplacian_paramBC | Class where the first inverse heat transfer problem tutorial is solved using the Parameterization of the heat flux |
CincrementalPOD | Implementation of a incremental POD algorithm according to Oxberry et al |
CinverseLaplacianProblem | Implementation of a inverse Laplacian problem |
CinverseLaplacianProblem_CG | Implementation of a Alifanov's regularization to solve inverse Laplacian problems |
CinverseLaplacianProblem_paramBC | Implementation of a parameterization method to solve inverse Laplacian problems |
CinverseLaplacianProblemTotalHeatMeasure_CG | Class to implement a full order inverse laplacian problem |
CinverseLaplacianProblemTotalHeatMeasure_paramBC | Class to implement a full order inverse laplacian problem |
CITHACADMD | Class of the computation of the DMD, it exploits the SVD methods |
CITHACAparallel | Class for parallel handling, it has several functions to deal with parallel problems, the class is implemented as a singletone |
CITHACAparameters | Class for the definition of some general parameters, the parameters must be defined from the file ITHACAdict inside the system folder |
CITHACAsampling | |
ClaplacianProblem | Class to implement a full order laplacian parametrized problem |
CLRSensitivity | |
CmetaData_offline | |
CModes | Implementation of a container class derived from PtrList |
Cmsr | |
CmsrProblem | Class to implement Molten Salt Reactor multiphysics problem |
Cnewton_argument | Template object created to solve non linear problems using the Eigen library |
Cnewton_msr_fd | Structure to implement a newton object for a stationary MSR problem |
Cnewton_msr_n | |
Cnewton_msr_t | |
Cnewton_steadyNS | Structure to implement a newton object for a stationary NS problem |
Cnewton_unsteadyBB_PPE | |
Cnewton_unsteadyBB_sup | Newton object for the resolution of the reduced problem using a supremizer approach |
Cnewton_unsteadyNS_PPE | Newton object for the resolution of the reduced problem using a PPE approach |
Cnewton_unsteadyNS_sup | Newton object for the resolution of the reduced problem using a supremizer approach |
Cnewton_unsteadyNST_sup | Newton object for the resolution of the reduced problem using a supremizer approach |
Cnewton_unsteadyNST_sup_t | |
Cnewton_unsteadyNSTTurb_sup | |
Cnewton_unsteadyNSTTurb_sup_t | |
Cnewton_usmsr_fd | |
Cnewton_usmsr_n | |
Cnewton_usmsr_t | |
CnewtonSteadyNSTurbIntrusive | Structure to implement a newton object for a stationary NS problem |
CnewtonSteadyNSTurbPPE | |
CnewtonSteadyNSTurbSUP | Structure to implement a newton object for a stationary NS problem |
CnewtonUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive | |
CnewtonUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusivePPE | |
CnewtonUnsteadyNSTurbPPE | |
CnewtonUnsteadyNSTurbPPEAve | |
CnewtonUnsteadyNSTurbSUP | |
CnewtonUnsteadyNSTurbSUPAve | |
ConlineInterp | Class for the online evaluation of the coefficient manifold for PODI |
CPlocal | |
CPloct | |
CPtot | |
CPtot_time | |
CreducedLaplacian | Class to solve the online reduced problem associated with a Laplace problem |
CreducedMSR | |
CreducedProblem | Base class for the implementation of a reduced problem |
CreducedSimpleSteadyNN | |
CreducedSimpleSteadyNS | Class where it is implemented a reduced problem for the steady Navier-stokes problem |
CreducedSteadyNS | Class where it is implemented a reduced problem for the steady Navier-stokes problem |
CReducedSteadyNSTurb | Class where it is implemented a reduced problem for the steady turbulent Navier-stokes problem |
CReducedSteadyNSTurbIntrusive | Class where it is implemented a reduced problem for the steady turbulent Navier-stokes problem |
CReducedUnsteadyBB | Class where it is implemented a reduced problem for the unsteady Navier-stokes problem |
CreducedUnsteadyNS | Class where it is implemented a reduced problem for the unsteady Navier-stokes problem |
CReducedUnsteadyNSExplicit | Class where it is implemented a reduced problem for the unsteady Navier-stokes problem |
CreducedUnsteadyNST | Class where it is implemented a reduced problem for the unsteady Navier-stokes weakly coupled with the energy equation problem |
CReducedUnsteadyNSTTurb | Class where it is implemented a reduced problem for the unsteady Navier-stokes weakly coupled with the energy equation problem |
CReducedUnsteadyNSTurb | Class where it is implemented a reduced problem for the unsteady Navier-stokes problem |
CReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive | Class where it is implemented a reduced problem for the unsteady Navier-stokes problem |
CreducedusMSR | |
CreductionProblem | A general class for the implementation of a full order parametrized problem |
CsteadyNS | Implementation of a parametrized full order steady NS problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve |
CSteadyNSSimple | Implementation of a parametrized full order steady NS problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve |
CSteadyNSSimpleNN | |
CSteadyNSTurb | Implementation of a parametrized full order steady turbulent Navier Stokes problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve |
CSteadyNSTurbIntrusive | Implementation of a parametrized full order steady turbulent Navier Stokes problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve |
CthermocouplesPlane | Class defining a plane for thermocouples measurements interpolation |
CTm | |
CTm_time | |
CTmlocal | |
CTmloct | |
Ctutorial01cl | |
Ctutorial02 | Class where the tutorial number 2 is implemented |
Ctutorial03 | |
Ctutorial04 | |
Ctutorial05 | |
Ctutorial06 | Class where the tutorial number 6 is implemented |
Ctutorial07 | |
Ctutorial10 | |
Ctutorial11 | |
Ctutorial12 | |
Ctutorial14 | |
Ctutorial17 | |
Ctutorial18 | |
Ctutorial19 | |
Ctutorial21 | |
Ctutorial22 | |
Ctutorial23 | Class where the tutorial number 2 is implemented |
CtutorialIPOD | Class where the tutorial number 20 is implemented |
CUnsteadyBB | Implementation of a parametrized full order unsteady Boussinesq problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve |
CunsteadyNS | Implementation of a parametrized full order unsteady NS problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve |
CUnsteadyNSExplicit | Implementation of a parametrized full order unsteady NS problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve |
CunsteadyNST | Implementation of a parametrized full order unsteady NS problem weakly coupled with the energy equation and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve |
CUnsteadyNSTTurb | Implementation of a parametrized full order unsteady NST problem weakly coupled with the energy equation and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve |
CUnsteadyNSTurb | Implementation of a parametrized full order unsteady NS problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve |
CUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive | Implementation of a parametrized full order unsteady NS problem and preparation of the the reduced matrices for the online solve |
CUnsteadyProblem | |
CusmsrProblem |