Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- u -
- U : DEIM< T >, msr, tutorial03, tutorial04, tutorial05, tutorial06, tutorial07, tutorial10, tutorial11, tutorial12, tutorial14, tutorial17, tutorial18, tutorial19, tutorial21, tutorial22, tutorial23
- UA : DEIM< T >
- UB : DEIM< T >
- Ueqn_global : SteadyNSSimple
- Ufield : Burgers, msrProblem, steadyNS
- Ufield_on : UnsteadyBB
- Uinl : steadyNS
- ULmodes : reducedSimpleSteadyNS
- Umodes : Burgers, msrProblem, reducedMSR, reducedSteadyNS, steadyNS
- UModesWeighted : UnsteadyBB, unsteadyNST
- UName_ : Foam::functionObjects::ITHACAforces
- uniqueMagicPoints : DEIM< T >
- uniqueMagicPointsA : DEIM< T >
- uniqueMagicPointsB : DEIM< T >
- uniqueNodePoints : HyperReduction< SnapshotsLists >
- Uomfield : msrProblem, steadyNS
- UprojN : reducedSimpleSteadyNS
- UREC : reducedMSR, reducedSteadyNS
- uRecFields : reducedSteadyNS
- Usnapshots : reducedMSR, reducedSteadyNS