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ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive Class Reference

Class where it is implemented a reduced problem for the unsteady Navier-stokes problem. More...

#include <ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive.H>

Inheritance diagram for ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive:
reducedUnsteadyNS reducedSteadyNS reducedProblem

Public Member Functions

 ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive ()
 Construct Null.
 ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive (UnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive &problem)
 Construct Null.
 ~ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive ()
void solveOnline (Eigen::MatrixXd vel)
 Method to perform an online solve using an intrusive approach.
void solveOnlinePPE (Eigen::MatrixXd vel)
 Method to perform an online solve using an intrusive approach with the usage of PPE.
void reconstruct (bool exportFields=false, fileName folder="./online_rec")
 Method to reconstruct the solutions from an online solve with a fully uniform approach.
void reconstructPPE (bool exportFields=false, fileName folder="./online_rec")
 Method to reconstruct the solutions from an online solve with a PPE semi-uniform approach.
Eigen::MatrixXd setOnlineVelocity (Eigen::MatrixXd vel)
 Sets the online velocity.
void reconstructLiftAndDrag (UnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive &problem, fileName folder)
 Method to compute the reduced order forces for same number of modes of velocity and pressure.
- Public Member Functions inherited from reducedUnsteadyNS
 reducedUnsteadyNS ()
 Construct Null.
 reducedUnsteadyNS (unsteadyNS &problem)
 Construct Null.
 ~reducedUnsteadyNS ()
Eigen::MatrixXd penalty_PPE (Eigen::MatrixXd &vel_now, Eigen::MatrixXd &tauIter, int startSnap=0)
 Method to determine the penalty factors iteratively.
Eigen::MatrixXd penalty_sup (Eigen::MatrixXd &vel_now, Eigen::MatrixXd &tauIter, int startSnap=0)
 Method to determine the penalty factors iteratively.
void solveOnline_PPE (Eigen::MatrixXd vel_now, int startSnap=0)
 Method to perform an online solve using a PPE stabilisation method.
void solveOnline_sup (Eigen::MatrixXd vel_now, int startSnap=0)
 Method to perform an online solve using a supremizer stabilisation method.
void reconstruct (bool exportFields=false, fileName folder="./online_rec")
 Method to reconstruct the solutions from an online solve with a supremizer stabilisation technique.
Eigen::MatrixXd setOnlineVelocity (Eigen::MatrixXd vel)
 Sets the online velocity.
- Public Member Functions inherited from reducedSteadyNS
 reducedSteadyNS ()
 Construct Null.
 reducedSteadyNS (steadyNS &problem)
 Construct Null.
 ~reducedSteadyNS ()
void solveOnline_PPE (Eigen::MatrixXd vel_now)
 Method to perform an online solve using a PPE stabilisation method.
void solveOnline_sup (Eigen::MatrixXd vel_now)
 Method to perform an online solve using a supremizer stabilisation method.
void reconstruct_PPE (fileName folder="./ITHACAoutput/online_rec", int printevery=1)
 Method to reconstruct a solution from an online solve with a PPE stabilisation technique.
void reconstruct (bool exportFields=false, fileName folder="./ITHACAoutput/online_rec", int printevery=1)
 Method to reconstruct the solutions from an online solve.
void reconstructLiftAndDrag (steadyNS &problem, fileName folder)
 Method to compute the reduced order forces.
double inf_sup_constant ()
 Method to evaluate the online inf-sup constant.
Eigen::MatrixXd setOnlineVelocity (Eigen::MatrixXd vel)
 Sets the online velocity.
- Public Member Functions inherited from reducedProblem
 reducedProblem ()
 Construct Null.
virtual ~reducedProblem ()
 reducedProblem (reductionProblem &problem)
 Construct with reduced Problem.
virtual void solveOnline ()
 Virtual Method to perform and online Solve.

Public Attributes

 Pointer to the FOM problem.
PtrList< volScalarField > nutModes
 List of pointers to store the modes for the eddy viscosity.
newtonUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive newtonObject
 Function object to call the non linear solver sup approach.
newtonUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusivePPE newtonObjectPPE
 Function object to call the non linear solver sup approach.
Eigen::MatrixXd initCond
 Tha matrix containing the initial conditions for the reduced variables, in case of PPE approach it must be one column with the head being the degrees of freedom of velocity adn the tail the ones of pressure.
PtrList< volScalarField > nutRecFields
 Reconstructed eddy viscosity fields list.
- Public Attributes inherited from reducedUnsteadyNS
newton_unsteadyNS_sup newton_object_sup
 Function object to call the non linear solver sup approach.
newton_unsteadyNS_PPE newton_object_PPE
 Function object to call the non linear solver PPE approach.
scalar time
 Scalar to store the current time.
double dt
 Scalar to store the time increment.
scalar finalTime
 Scalar to store the final time if the online simulation.
scalar tstart
 Scalar to store the initial time if the online simulation.
double storeEvery
 A variable for storing the reduced coefficients.
double exportEvery
 A variable for exporting the fields.
bool startFromZero = false
 A variable for starting solving the reduced system from zero or not.
int timeStepPenalty = 1
 Number of timesteps calculated for the iterative penalty method.
Eigen::MatrixXd tauIter
 Penalty Factor determined with iterative solver.
scalar maxIterPenalty
 Maximum number of iterations to be done for the computation of the penalty factor.
scalar tolerancePenalty
 Tolerance for the residual of the boundary values, there is the same tolerance for velocity and temperature.
 Pointer to the FOM problem.
- Public Attributes inherited from reducedSteadyNS
 parameters to be read from the ITHACAdict file
Eigen::MatrixXd vel_now
 Online inlet velocity vector.
Eigen::MatrixXd fTau
 Reduced matrix for tangent forces.
Eigen::MatrixXd fN
 Reduced matrix for normal forces.
Eigen::VectorXd y_old
 Vector to store the previous solution during the Newton procedure.
Eigen::VectorXd y
 Vector to store the solution during the Newton procedure.
scalar nu
 Reduced viscosity in case of parametrized viscosity.
List< Eigen::MatrixXd > online_solution
 List of Eigen matrices to store the online solution.
PtrList< volVectorField > Umodes
 List of pointers to store the modes for velocity.
PtrList< volScalarField > Pmodes
 List of pointers to store the modes for pressure.
PtrList< volVectorField > Usnapshots
 List of pointers to store the snapshots for velocity.
PtrList< volScalarField > Psnapshots
 List of pointers to store the snapshots for pressure.
PtrList< volScalarField > PREC
 Reconstructed pressure field.
PtrList< volVectorField > UREC
 Recontructed velocity field.
PtrList< volScalarField > pRecFields
 Reconstructed pressure fields list.
PtrList< volVectorField > uRecFields
 Recontructed velocity fields list.
newton_steadyNS newton_object
 Newton object used to solve the non linear problem.
 Pointer to the FOM problem.
int Nphi_u
 Number of velocity modes.
int Nphi_p
 Number of pressure modes.
int Nphi_sup
 Number of supremizer modes.
int N_BC
 Number of parametrized boundary conditions.
int count_online_solve = 1
 Counter to count the online solutions.
Eigen::MatrixXd tauU
 Penalty Factor.
- Public Attributes inherited from reducedProblem
scalar nu
 Pointer to FOAM problem.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from reducedProblem
static Eigen::MatrixXd solveLinearSys (List< Eigen::MatrixXd > LinSys, Eigen::MatrixXd x, Eigen::VectorXd &residual, const Eigen::MatrixXd &bc=Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(0, 0), const std::string solverType="fullPivLu")
 Linear system solver for the online problem.
static Eigen::MatrixXd solveLinearSys (List< Eigen::MatrixXd > LinSys, Eigen::MatrixXd x, Eigen::VectorXd &residual, const std::string solverType)
 Linear system solver for the online problem.

Detailed Description

Class where it is implemented a reduced problem for the unsteady Navier-stokes problem.

In this class are implemented the methods to solve a reduced version of the stationary Navier-stokes equations. This class must be used together with the steadyNS class

Definition at line 109 of file ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive.H.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive() [1/2]

ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive::ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive ( )

Construct Null.

Definition at line 41 of file ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive.C.

◆ ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive() [2/2]

ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive::ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive ( UnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive & problem)

Construct Null.

problema full order UnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive problem

Definition at line 45 of file ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive.C.

◆ ~ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive()

ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive::~ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive ( )

Definition at line 123 of file ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive.H.

Member Function Documentation

◆ reconstruct()

void ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive::reconstruct ( bool exportFields = false,
fileName folder = "./online_rec" )

Method to reconstruct the solutions from an online solve with a fully uniform approach.

[in]exportFieldsA boolean variable which determines whether to export fields or not
[in]folderThe folder where to output the solutions in case on wants to

Definition at line 548 of file ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive.C.

◆ reconstructLiftAndDrag()

void ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive::reconstructLiftAndDrag ( UnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive & problem,
fileName folder )

Method to compute the reduced order forces for same number of modes of velocity and pressure.

problemA UnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive full order problem.
[in]folderThe folder where to output the forces matrices

Definition at line 685 of file ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive.C.

◆ reconstructPPE()

void ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive::reconstructPPE ( bool exportFields = false,
fileName folder = "./online_rec" )

Method to reconstruct the solutions from an online solve with a PPE semi-uniform approach.

[in]exportFieldsA boolean variable which determines whether to export fields or not
[in]folderThe folder where to output the solutions in case on wants to

Definition at line 606 of file ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive.C.

◆ setOnlineVelocity()

Eigen::MatrixXd ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive::setOnlineVelocity ( Eigen::MatrixXd vel)

Sets the online velocity.

[in]velThe velocity
The rescaled velocity vector

Definition at line 664 of file ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive.C.

◆ solveOnline()

void ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive::solveOnline ( Eigen::MatrixXd vel)

Method to perform an online solve using an intrusive approach.

[in]velThe velocity

Definition at line 253 of file ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive.C.

◆ solveOnlinePPE()

void ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive::solveOnlinePPE ( Eigen::MatrixXd vel)

Method to perform an online solve using an intrusive approach with the usage of PPE.

[in]velNowThe vector of online velocity. It is defined in with an Eigen::MatrixXd and must have one col and as many rows as the number of parametrized boundary conditions.

Definition at line 400 of file ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive.C.

Member Data Documentation

◆ initCond

Eigen::MatrixXd ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive::initCond

Tha matrix containing the initial conditions for the reduced variables, in case of PPE approach it must be one column with the head being the degrees of freedom of velocity adn the tail the ones of pressure.

Definition at line 140 of file ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive.H.

◆ newtonObject

newtonUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive::newtonObject

Function object to call the non linear solver sup approach.

Definition at line 132 of file ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive.H.

◆ newtonObjectPPE

newtonUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusivePPE ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive::newtonObjectPPE

Function object to call the non linear solver sup approach.

Definition at line 135 of file ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive.H.

◆ nutModes

PtrList<volScalarField> ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive::nutModes

List of pointers to store the modes for the eddy viscosity.

Definition at line 129 of file ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive.H.

◆ nutRecFields

PtrList<volScalarField> ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive::nutRecFields

Reconstructed eddy viscosity fields list.

Definition at line 143 of file ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive.H.

◆ problem

UnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive* ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive::problem

Pointer to the FOM problem.

Definition at line 126 of file ReducedUnsteadyNSTurbIntrusive.H.

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