No Matches
ITHACAgeometry.H File Reference

Header file of the geometry namespace. More...

#include "fvCFD.H"
#include "IOmanip.H"
#include "freestreamFvPatchField.H"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <functional>
#include "./colormod.H"
#include "polyMeshTools.H"
#include <chrono>
#include "mixedFvPatchFields.H"
#include "fvMeshSubset.H"
#include "Foam2Eigen.H"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  ITHACAutilities
 Namespace to implement some useful assign operation of OF fields.


labelList ITHACAutilities::getIndicesFromBox (const fvMesh &mesh, List< label > indices, Eigen::MatrixXd Box, List< vector > &points2Move)
 Gives the indices conteined into a defined box.
List< label > ITHACAutilities::getIndices (const fvMesh &mesh, int index, int layers)
 Gets the indices of the cells around a certain cell.
List< label > ITHACAutilities::getIndices (const fvMesh &mesh, int index_row, int index_col, int layers)
 Gets the indices of the cells around a certain cell.
void ITHACAutilities::getPointsFromPatch (fvMesh &mesh, label ind, List< vector > &points, labelList &indices)
 Get the polabel coordinates and indices from patch.
List< vector > ITHACAutilities::displacedSegment (List< vector > x0, double mux1, double mux2, double muy1, double muy2)
 Get position of displaced segment of points given the displacements of the end points.
vector ITHACAutilities::displacePolabel (vector x0, vector x_low, vector x_up, double mux_low, double mux_up, double muy_low, double muy_up, double muz_low=0.0, double muz_up=0.0)
 Displace a Polabel belonging to a given segment.
Field< vector > ITHACAutilities::rotateMesh (fvMesh &mesh, double r1, double r2, vector axis, double alpha, labelList movingPointsIDs, List< double > radii, word angleVariationMethod="Linear", double v=3)
 A function that rotates the mesh rigidly, by a fixed specified angle for the points lying within a disc of radius r1, and by a an angle which diminishes from the former angle to zero either linearly or following a Sinusoidal relation or Sigmoid function in a disc of radius r2 larger than r1.
Eigen::MatrixXd ITHACAutilities::rotationMatrix (vector AxisOfRotation, double AngleOfRotation)
 Functions that return a Rotation Matrix given an axis of rotation and an angle in degrees.
Eigen::VectorXd ITHACAutilities::boudaryFaceToCellDistance (fvMesh &mesh, label BC_ind)
 Compute the distance between the boundary face center and the boundary cell center.
List< label > ITHACAutilities::getIndicesFromDisc (const fvMesh &mesh, double radius, vector origin, vector axis, List< double > &radii)
 Gets the indices of the points which are inside a disc of a specified radius before carrying out a rotation around an axis.
template<typename type_f >
List< label > ITHACAutilities::getIndicesFromBox (GeometricField< type_f, fvPatchField, volMesh > &field, Eigen::MatrixXd Box)
 Gets the indices from coordinates of a given box.
template<typename type_f >
fvMeshSubset * ITHACAutilities::getSubMeshFromBox (GeometricField< type_f, fvPatchField, volMesh > &field, Eigen::MatrixXd Box)
 Gets a subMesh from a box of coordinates and a given field (used only for the mesh).
volScalarField ITHACAutilities::meshNonOrtho (fvMesh &mesh, volScalarField &NonOrtho)
 Returns a scalarField that containes the non-orthogonality value of a given mesh.
List< vector > ITHACAutilities::rotatePoints (const List< vector > &originalPoints, vector AxisOfRotation, double AngleOfRotation)
 Rotate a list of points in clockwise direction given an axis of rotation and an angle in degrees.

Detailed Description

Header file of the geometry namespace.

It contains functions to

Definition in file ITHACAgeometry.H.