44 FofM(
int argc,
char* argv[], label Nsampled);
68 virtual void buildMO(std::string dir);
Header file of the ITHACAstream class, it contains the implementation of several methods for input ou...
label Npoints
Number of points for which simulation is run.
virtual void buildMO(std::string dir)
virtual method that computes the figure of merit it must be overriden in derived classes of FofM dir ...
std::string name
Name of the figure of merit.
Eigen::VectorXd modelOutput
Vector to store the desired output of the model, i.e. the figure of merit.
bool MObuilt
boolean variable to check if the model output is computed (true) or not (false)
PtrList< volScalarField > ptrfield
list of pointers to scalar and vector field
PtrList< volVectorField > Vptrfield
autoPtr< fvMesh > _mesh
dummy variables to transform FofM into a class