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Introduction to turorial 6

The problems consists of steady Navier-Stokes problem with a parameterized velocity at the inlet. The physical problem is the pitz-daily depicted in the following image

The velocity at the inlet is parameterized in both x and y directions. In other words, the parameters in this setting are the magnitude of the velocity at the inlet and the inclination of the velocity with respect to the inlet.

A detailed look into the code

This section explains the main steps necessary to construct the tutorial N°6.

The necessary header files

First of all let's have a look into the header files which have to be included, indicating what they are responsible for:

The OpenFOAM header files:

#include "fvCFD.H"
#include "fvOptions.H"
#include "IOmanip.H"
#include "simpleControl.H"

ITHACA-FV header files, <ITHACAstream.H> is responsible for reading and exporting the fields and other sorts of data. <ITHACAutilities.H> has the utilities which compute the mass matrices, fields norms, fields error,...etc. <Foam2Eigen.H> is for converting fields and other data from OpenFOAM to Eigen format. <ITHACAPOD.H> is for the computation of the POD modes.

#include "Foam2Eigen.H"
#include "ITHACAstream.H"
#include "ITHACAPOD.H"
Header file of the Foam2Eigen class.
Header file of the ITHACAPOD class.
Header file of the ITHACAstream class, it contains the implementation of several methods for input ou...
Header file of the ITHACAutilities namespace.

The Eigen library for matrix manipulation and linear and non-linear algebra operations:

#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <Eigen/SVD>
#include <Eigen/SparseLU>
#include "EigenFunctions.H"
Header file of the EigenFunctions class.

chrono to compute the speedup

#include <chrono>

The header files of ITHACA-FV necessary for this tutorial are: <reductionProblem.H> A general class for the implementation of a full order parameterized problem. <steadyNS.H> is for the full order steady NS problem , <SteadyNSTurb.H> is the child of <steadyNS.H> and it is the class for the full order steady NS turbulent problem. Finally <reducedSteadyNS.H> and <ReducedSteadyNSTurb.H> are for the construction of the reduced order problems

#include "steadyNS.H"
#include "SteadyNSTurb.H"
Header file of the ReducedSteadyNSTurb class.
Header file of the reducedSteadyNS class.
Header file of the SteadyNSTurb class.
Header file of the reductionProblem class.
Header file of the steadyNS class.

Definition of the tutorial06 class

We define the tutorial06 class as a child of the SteadyNSTurb class. The constructor is defined with members that are the fields required to be manipulated during the resolution of the full order problem using simpleFoam. Such fields are also initialized with the same initial conditions in the solver.

class tutorial06 : public SteadyNSTurb
Implementation of a parametrized full order steady turbulent Navier Stokes problem and preparation ...
Class where the tutorial number 6 is implemented.
Definition 06POD_RBF.C:56
explicit tutorial06(int argc, char* argv[])
SteadyNSTurb(argc, argv),
autoPtr< volVectorField > _U
Velocity field.
Definition steadyNS.H:263
autoPtr< volScalarField > _p
Pressure field.
Definition steadyNS.H:260
tutorial06(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition 06POD_RBF.C:58
volVectorField & U
volScalarField & nut
volScalarField & p

Inside the tutorial06 class we define the offlineSolve method according to the specific parameterized problem that needs to be solved. If the offline solve has been previously performed then the method just reads the existing snapshots from the Offline directory, and if the offline solve has been started but not completed then it continues the offline stage from the last snapshot computed. If the procedure has not started at all, the method loops over all the parameters samples, changes the inlet velocity components at the inlet with the iterable parameter sample for both components of the velocity then it performs the offline solve.

void offlineSolve()
void offlineSolve()
Perform an Offline solve.
Definition 06POD_RBF.C:71
Vector<double> inl(0, 0, 0);
List<scalar> mu_now(2);
// if the offline solution is already performed read the fields
if (offline)
ITHACAstream::read_fields(Ufield, U, "./ITHACAoutput/Offline/");
ITHACAstream::read_fields(Pfield, p, "./ITHACAoutput/Offline/");
ITHACAstream::read_fields(nutFields, nut, "./ITHACAoutput/Offline/");
// if the offline stage is not completed then resume it
if (Ufield.size() < mu.rows())
Vector<double> Uinl(0, 0, 0);
label BCind = 0;
for (label i = Ufield.size(); i < mu.rows(); i++)
Uinl[0] = mu(i, 0);
Uinl[1] = mu(i, 1);
assignBC(_U(), BCind, Uinl);
counter = Ufield.size() + 1;
PtrList< volScalarField > nutFields
List of snapshots for the solution for eddy viscosity.
label counter
Counter used for the output of the full order solutions.
void assignBC(volVectorField &s, label BC_ind, Vector< double > &value)
Assign Boundary Condition to a volVectorField.
bool offline
Boolean variable, it is 1 if the Offline phase has already been computed, else 0.
Eigen::MatrixXd mu
Row matrix of parameters.
void truthSolve()
Perform a TruthSolve.
PtrList< volScalarField > Pfield
List of pointers used to form the pressure snapshots matrix.
Definition steadyNS.H:86
PtrList< volVectorField > Ufield
List of pointers used to form the velocity snapshots matrix.
Definition steadyNS.H:89
autoPtr< volVectorField > Uinl
Initial dummy field with all Dirichlet boundary conditions.
Definition steadyNS.H:272
void read_fields(PtrList< GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh > > &Lfield, word Name, fileName casename, int first_snap, int n_snap)
Function to read a list of fields from the name of the field and casename.
label i
Definition pEqn.H:46
Vector<double> Uinl(0, 0, 0);
label BCind = 0;
for (label i = 0; i < mu.rows(); i++)
Uinl[0] = mu(i, 0);
Uinl[1] = mu(i, 1);
assignBC(_U(), BCind, Uinl);

This offlineSolve method is just designed to compute the full order solutions for a set of parameters samples called par, the goal is to compute the full order solution for a cross validation test samples which will be used to test the reduced order model in the online stage.

void offlineSolve(Eigen::MatrixXd par, fileName folder)
Vector<double> inl(0, 0, 0);
List<scalar> mu_now(2);
Vector<double> Uinl(0, 0, 0);
label BCind = 0;
for (label i = 0; i < par.rows(); i++)
Uinl[0] = par(i, 0);
Uinl[1] = par(i, 1);
assignBC(_U(), BCind, Uinl);
void truthSolve(fileName folder)
Time& runTime = _runTime();
fvMesh& mesh = _mesh();
volScalarField& p = _p();
volVectorField& U = _U();
surfaceScalarField& phi = _phi();
fv::options& fvOptions = _fvOptions();
simpleControl& simple = _simple();
IOMRFZoneList& MRF = _MRF();
singlePhaseTransportModel& laminarTransport = _laminarTransport();
#include "NLsolveSteadyNSTurb.H"
volScalarField _nut(turbulence->nut());
Foam::fvMesh & mesh
Definition createMesh.H:47
Foam::Time & runTime
Definition createTime.H:33
autoPtr< simpleControl > _simple
Definition steadyNS.H:284
autoPtr< Time > _runTime
Definition steadyNS.H:290
autoPtr< fvMesh > _mesh
Definition steadyNS.H:281
void exportSolution(GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh > &s, fileName subfolder, fileName folder, word fieldName)
Export a field to file in a certain folder and subfolder.
simpleControl simple(mesh)
surfaceScalarField & phi
singlePhaseTransportModel & laminarTransport

Definition of the main function

In this section we address the definition of the main function. First we construct the object "example" of type tutorial06:

tutorial06 example(argc, argv);

Then we read the parameters samples for the offline stage and the ones for the online stages using method readMatrix in the ITHACAstream class

word par_offline("./par_offline");
word par_new("./par_online");
Eigen::MatrixXd par_online = ITHACAstream::readMatrix(par_new); = ITHACAstream::readMatrix(par_offline);
List< Eigen::MatrixXd > readMatrix(word folder, word mat_name)
Read a three dimensional matrix from a txt file in Eigen format.

Then we set the inlet boundaries where we have parameterized boundary conditions and we define in which directions we have the parameterization.

example.inletIndex.resize(2, 2);
example.inletIndex(0, 0) = 0;
example.inletIndex(0, 1) = 0;
example.inletIndex(1, 0) = 0;
example.inletIndex(1, 1) = 1;

Then we parse the ITHACAdict file to determine the number of modes to be written out and also the ones to be used for the projection of the velocity, pressure, supremizer and the eddy viscosity:

Class for the definition of some general parameters, the parameters must be defined from the file ITH...
static ITHACAparameters * getInstance()
Gets an instance of ITHACAparameters, to be used if the instance is already existing.
ITHACAparameters * para
Definition steadyNS.H:82
// Read parameters from ITHACAdict file
int NmodesU = para->ITHACAdict->lookupOrDefault<int>("NmodesU", 5);
int NmodesP = para->ITHACAdict->lookupOrDefault<int>("NmodesP", 5);
int NmodesSUP = para->ITHACAdict->lookupOrDefault<int>("NmodesSUP", 5);
int NmodesNUT = para->ITHACAdict->lookupOrDefault<int>("NmodesNUT", 5);
int NmodesProject = para->ITHACAdict->lookupOrDefault<int>("NmodesProject", 5);
IOdictionary * ITHACAdict
Dictionary for input objects from file.

Now we are ready to perform the offline stage:


The next step is to read the lifting functions

ITHACAstream::read_fields(example.liftfield, example.U, "./lift/");

Then we compute the homogeneous velocity field snapshots, and then we output them

example.computeLift(example.Ufield, example.liftfield, example.Uomfield);
// Export the homogeneous velocity snapshots
ITHACAstream::exportFields(example.Uomfield, "./ITHACAoutput/Offline",
void exportFields(PtrList< GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh > > &field, word folder, word fieldname)
Function to export a scalar of vector field.

After that, the modes for velocity, pressure and the eddy viscosity are obtained:

ITHACAPOD::getModes(example.Uomfield, example.Umodes, example._U().name(),
void getModes(PtrList< GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh > > &snapshots, PtrList< GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh > > &modes, word fieldName, bool podex, bool supex, bool sup, label nmodes, bool correctBC)
Computes the bases or reads them for a field.
Definition ITHACAPOD.C:93
example.supex, 0, NmodesProject);
ITHACAPOD::getModes(example.Pfield, example.Pmodes, example.p().name(),
example.supex, 0, NmodesProject);
ITHACAPOD::getModes(example.nutFields, example.nutModes, example._nut().name(),

Then we compute the supremizer modes on the basis of the POD pressure modes obtained from the last step


then we perform the projection onto the POD modes

example.projectSUP("./Matrices", NmodesU, NmodesP, NmodesSUP,

Now we proceed to the ROM part of the tutorial, at first we construct an object of the class <ReducedSteadyNSTurb.H>.

// Set value of the reduced viscosity and the penalty factor

Now we set the value of the reduced viscosity and we initialize the penalty factor which will be zero = 1e-3;
pod_rbf.tauU.resize(2, 1);

We create the matrix rbfCoeff in order to store the values of the interpolated eddy viscosity coefficient using the RBF in the online stage

// We create the matrix rbfCoeff which will store the values of the interpolation results for the eddy viscosity field
Eigen::MatrixXd rbfCoeff;

Now we solve the online reduced system for the parameter values stored in par_online which is a different set of samples for the parameters than the one used in the offline stage. This represent a cross validation test for assessing the reduced order model in a better way.

// Perform an online solve for the new values of inlet velocities
for (label k = 0; k < par_online.rows(); k++)
Eigen::MatrixXd velNow(2, 1);
velNow(0, 0) = par_online(k, 0);
velNow(1, 0) = par_online(k, 1);
pod_rbf.tauU(0, 0) = 0;
pod_rbf.tauU(1, 0) = 0;
if (stabilization == "supremizer")

Now we output the matrix rbfCoeff and the online solution

rbfCoeff.col(k) = pod_rbf.rbfCoeff;
Eigen::MatrixXd tmp_sol(pod_rbf.y.rows() + 1, 1);
tmp_sol(0) = k + 1;
tmp_sol.col(0).tail(pod_rbf.y.rows()) = pod_rbf.y;
// Save the matrix of interpolated eddy viscosity coefficients
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(rbfCoeff, "rbfCoeff", "python",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(rbfCoeff, "rbfCoeff", "matlab",
// Save the online solution
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(pod_rbf.online_solution, "red_coeff", "python",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(pod_rbf.online_solution, "red_coeff", "matlab",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(pod_rbf.online_solution, "red_coeff", "eigen",
void exportMatrix(Eigen::Matrix< T, -1, dim > &matrix, word Name, word type, word folder)
Export the reduced matrices in numpy (type=python), matlab (type=matlab) and txt (type=eigen) format ...

The last step is to reconstruct the velocity and pressure fields using the reduced solution obtained in the online stage and with the POD modes computed earlier on

pod_rbf.reconstruct(true, "./ITHACAoutput/Reconstruction/");
// Create an object of the laminar class
reducedSteadyNS pod_normal(
// Set value of the reduced viscosity and the penalty factor = 1e-3;
pod_normal.tauU.resize(2, 1);
// Perform an online solve for the new values of inlet velocities
for (label k = 0; k < par_online.rows(); k++)
Eigen::MatrixXd vel_now(2, 1);
vel_now(0, 0) = par_online(k, 0);
vel_now(1, 0) = par_online(k, 1);
pod_normal.tauU(0, 0) = 0;
pod_normal.tauU(1, 0) = 0;
Eigen::MatrixXd tmp_sol(pod_normal.y.rows() + 1, 1);
tmp_sol(0) = k + 1;
tmp_sol.col(0).tail(pod_normal.y.rows()) = pod_normal.y;
// Save the online solution
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(pod_normal.online_solution, "red_coeffnew", "python",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(pod_normal.online_solution, "red_coeffnew", "matlab",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(pod_normal.online_solution, "red_coeffnew", "eigen",
// Reconstruct and export the solution
pod_normal.reconstruct(true, "./ITHACAoutput/Lam_Rec/");
// Solve the full order problem for the online velocity values for the purpose of comparison
// if (ITHACAutilities::check_folder("./ITHACAoutput/Offline_check") == false)
// {
// example.offlineSolve(par_online, "./ITHACAoutput/Offline_check/");
// ITHACAutilities::createSymLink("./ITHACAoutput/Offline_check");
// }
Eigen::MatrixXd errFrobU = ITHACAutilities::errorFrobRel(example.Ufield,
Eigen::MatrixXd errFrobP = ITHACAutilities::errorFrobRel(example.Pfield,
Eigen::MatrixXd errFrobNut = ITHACAutilities::errorFrobRel(example.nutFields,
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(errFrobU, "errFrobU", "matlab",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(errFrobP, "errFrobP", "matlab",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(errFrobNut, "errFrobNut", "matlab",
Eigen::MatrixXd errL2U = ITHACAutilities::errorL2Rel(example.Ufield,
Eigen::MatrixXd errL2P = ITHACAutilities::errorL2Rel(example.Pfield,
Eigen::MatrixXd errL2Nut = ITHACAutilities::errorL2Rel(example.nutFields,
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(errL2U, "errL2U", "matlab",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(errL2P, "errL2P", "matlab",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(errL2Nut, "errL2Nut", "matlab",
Class where it is implemented a reduced problem for the steady Navier-stokes problem.
double errorL2Rel(GeometricField< T, fvPatchField, volMesh > &field1, GeometricField< T, fvPatchField, volMesh > &field2, List< label > *labels)
Computes the relative error between two geometric Fields in L2 norm.
double errorFrobRel(GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh > &field1, GeometricField< Type, PatchField, GeoMesh > &field2, List< label > *labels)
Computes the relative error between two Fields in the Frobenius norm.
Definition ITHACAerror.C:78

After we carried out the online stage using an object of the turbulent class <ReducedSteadyNSTurb.H>, now we will repeat same procedure but for the class that does not take into consideration turbulence at the reduced order level which is <reducedSteadyNS.H>. This allows us at the end of comparing the reduced results obtained from both classes.

We finally solve the offline stage for the checking parameters set that was used for validating the reduced order model

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* In real Time Highly Advanced Computational Applications for Finite Volumes
* Copyright (C) 2017 by the ITHACA-FV authors
This file is part of ITHACA-FV
ITHACA-FV is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ITHACA-FV is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with ITHACA-FV. If not, see <>.
Example of NS-Stokes Reduction Problem for Turbulent Flow Case
#include "fvCFD.H"
#include "fvOptions.H"
#include "IOmanip.H"
#include "simpleControl.H"
#include "Foam2Eigen.H"
#include "ITHACAstream.H"
#include "ITHACAPOD.H"
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <Eigen/SVD>
#include <Eigen/SparseLU>
#include "EigenFunctions.H"
#include <chrono>
#include "steadyNS.H"
#include "SteadyNSTurb.H"
class tutorial06 : public SteadyNSTurb
explicit tutorial06(int argc, char* argv[])
SteadyNSTurb(argc, argv),
// Relevant Fields
volVectorField& U;
volScalarField& p;
volScalarField& nut;
void offlineSolve()
Vector<double> inl(0, 0, 0);
List<scalar> mu_now(2);
// if the offline solution is already performed read the fields
if (offline)
ITHACAstream::read_fields(Ufield, U, "./ITHACAoutput/Offline/");
ITHACAstream::read_fields(Pfield, p, "./ITHACAoutput/Offline/");
ITHACAstream::read_fields(nutFields, nut, "./ITHACAoutput/Offline/");
// if the offline stage is not completed then resume it
if (Ufield.size() < mu.rows())
Vector<double> Uinl(0, 0, 0);
label BCind = 0;
for (label i = Ufield.size(); i < mu.rows(); i++)
Uinl[0] = mu(i, 0);
Uinl[1] = mu(i, 1);
assignBC(_U(), BCind, Uinl);
counter = Ufield.size() + 1;
Vector<double> Uinl(0, 0, 0);
label BCind = 0;
for (label i = 0; i < mu.rows(); i++)
Uinl[0] = mu(i, 0);
Uinl[1] = mu(i, 1);
assignBC(_U(), BCind, Uinl);
void offlineSolve(Eigen::MatrixXd par, fileName folder)
Vector<double> inl(0, 0, 0);
List<scalar> mu_now(2);
Vector<double> Uinl(0, 0, 0);
label BCind = 0;
for (label i = 0; i < par.rows(); i++)
Uinl[0] = par(i, 0);
Uinl[1] = par(i, 1);
assignBC(_U(), BCind, Uinl);
void truthSolve(fileName folder)
Time& runTime = _runTime();
fvMesh& mesh = _mesh();
volScalarField& p = _p();
volVectorField& U = _U();
surfaceScalarField& phi = _phi();
fv::options& fvOptions = _fvOptions();
simpleControl& simple = _simple();
IOMRFZoneList& MRF = _MRF();
singlePhaseTransportModel& laminarTransport = _laminarTransport();
#include "NLsolveSteadyNSTurb.H"
volScalarField _nut(turbulence->nut());
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Construct the tutorial06 object
tutorial06 example(argc, argv);
// Read parameters samples for the offline stage and the ones for the online stages
word par_offline("./par_offline");
word par_new("./par_online");
Eigen::MatrixXd par_online = ITHACAstream::readMatrix(par_new); = ITHACAstream::readMatrix(par_offline);
// Set the inlet boundaries where we have parameterized boundary conditions
example.inletIndex.resize(2, 2);
example.inletIndex(0, 0) = 0;
example.inletIndex(0, 1) = 0;
example.inletIndex(1, 0) = 0;
example.inletIndex(1, 1) = 1;
// Read parameters from ITHACAdict file
int NmodesU = para->ITHACAdict->lookupOrDefault<int>("NmodesU", 5);
int NmodesP = para->ITHACAdict->lookupOrDefault<int>("NmodesP", 5);
int NmodesSUP = para->ITHACAdict->lookupOrDefault<int>("NmodesSUP", 5);
int NmodesNUT = para->ITHACAdict->lookupOrDefault<int>("NmodesNUT", 5);
int NmodesProject = para->ITHACAdict->lookupOrDefault<int>("NmodesProject", 5);
word stabilization = para->ITHACAdict->lookupOrDefault<word>("Stabilization",
// Perform The Offline Solve;
// Read the lift functions
ITHACAstream::read_fields(example.liftfield, example.U, "./lift/");
// Create the homogeneous set of snapshots for the velocity field
example.computeLift(example.Ufield, example.liftfield, example.Uomfield);
// Export the homogeneous velocity snapshots
ITHACAstream::exportFields(example.Uomfield, "./ITHACAoutput/Offline",
// Perform a POD decomposition for the velocity, the pressure and the eddy viscosity
ITHACAPOD::getModes(example.Uomfield, example.Umodes, example._U().name(),
example.supex, 0, NmodesProject);
ITHACAPOD::getModes(example.Pfield, example.Pmodes, example.p().name(),
example.supex, 0, NmodesProject);
ITHACAPOD::getModes(example.nutFields, example.nutModes, example._nut().name(),
example.supex, 0, NmodesProject);
// Solve the supremizer problem based on the pressure modes
if (stabilization == "supremizer")
// Compute the reduced order matrices
// Get reduced matrices
if (stabilization == "supremizer")
example.projectSUP("./Matrices", NmodesU, NmodesP, NmodesSUP,
else if (stabilization == "PPE")
example.projectPPE("./Matrices", NmodesU, NmodesP, NmodesSUP,
// Create an object of the turbulent class
// Set value of the reduced viscosity and the penalty factor = 1e-3;
pod_rbf.tauU.resize(2, 1);
// We create the matrix rbfCoeff which will store the values of the interpolation results for the eddy viscosity field
Eigen::MatrixXd rbfCoeff;
rbfCoeff.resize(NmodesNUT, par_online.rows());
// Perform an online solve for the new values of inlet velocities
for (label k = 0; k < par_online.rows(); k++)
Eigen::MatrixXd velNow(2, 1);
velNow(0, 0) = par_online(k, 0);
velNow(1, 0) = par_online(k, 1);
pod_rbf.tauU(0, 0) = 0;
pod_rbf.tauU(1, 0) = 0;
if (stabilization == "supremizer")
else if (stabilization == "PPE")
rbfCoeff.col(k) = pod_rbf.rbfCoeff;
Eigen::MatrixXd tmp_sol(pod_rbf.y.rows() + 1, 1);
tmp_sol(0) = k + 1;
tmp_sol.col(0).tail(pod_rbf.y.rows()) = pod_rbf.y;
// Save the matrix of interpolated eddy viscosity coefficients
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(rbfCoeff, "rbfCoeff", "python",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(rbfCoeff, "rbfCoeff", "matlab",
// Save the online solution
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(pod_rbf.online_solution, "red_coeff", "python",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(pod_rbf.online_solution, "red_coeff", "matlab",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(pod_rbf.online_solution, "red_coeff", "eigen",
pod_rbf.rbfCoeffMat = rbfCoeff;
// Reconstruct and export the solution
pod_rbf.reconstruct(true, "./ITHACAoutput/Reconstruction/");
// Create an object of the laminar class
reducedSteadyNS pod_normal(
// Set value of the reduced viscosity and the penalty factor = 1e-3;
pod_normal.tauU.resize(2, 1);
// Perform an online solve for the new values of inlet velocities
for (label k = 0; k < par_online.rows(); k++)
Eigen::MatrixXd vel_now(2, 1);
vel_now(0, 0) = par_online(k, 0);
vel_now(1, 0) = par_online(k, 1);
pod_normal.tauU(0, 0) = 0;
pod_normal.tauU(1, 0) = 0;
Eigen::MatrixXd tmp_sol(pod_normal.y.rows() + 1, 1);
tmp_sol(0) = k + 1;
tmp_sol.col(0).tail(pod_normal.y.rows()) = pod_normal.y;
// Save the online solution
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(pod_normal.online_solution, "red_coeffnew", "python",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(pod_normal.online_solution, "red_coeffnew", "matlab",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(pod_normal.online_solution, "red_coeffnew", "eigen",
// Reconstruct and export the solution
pod_normal.reconstruct(true, "./ITHACAoutput/Lam_Rec/");
// Solve the full order problem for the online velocity values for the purpose of comparison
// if (ITHACAutilities::check_folder("./ITHACAoutput/Offline_check") == false)
// {
// example.offlineSolve(par_online, "./ITHACAoutput/Offline_check/");
// ITHACAutilities::createSymLink("./ITHACAoutput/Offline_check");
// }
Eigen::MatrixXd errFrobU = ITHACAutilities::errorFrobRel(example.Ufield,
Eigen::MatrixXd errFrobP = ITHACAutilities::errorFrobRel(example.Pfield,
Eigen::MatrixXd errFrobNut = ITHACAutilities::errorFrobRel(example.nutFields,
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(errFrobU, "errFrobU", "matlab",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(errFrobP, "errFrobP", "matlab",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(errFrobNut, "errFrobNut", "matlab",
Eigen::MatrixXd errL2U = ITHACAutilities::errorL2Rel(example.Ufield,
Eigen::MatrixXd errL2P = ITHACAutilities::errorL2Rel(example.Pfield,
Eigen::MatrixXd errL2Nut = ITHACAutilities::errorL2Rel(example.nutFields,
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(errL2U, "errL2U", "matlab",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(errL2P, "errL2P", "matlab",
ITHACAstream::exportMatrix(errL2Nut, "errL2Nut", "matlab",
Class where it is implemented a reduced problem for the steady turbulent Navier-stokes problem.
autoPtr< volScalarField > _nut
Eddy viscosity field.
autoPtr< surfaceScalarField > _phi
Definition steadyNS.H:293
autoPtr< fv::options > _fvOptions
Definition steadyNS.H:287
autoPtr< singlePhaseTransportModel > _laminarTransport
Laminar transport (used by turbulence model)
Definition steadyNS.H:302
autoPtr< IOMRFZoneList > _MRF
MRF variable.
Definition steadyNS.H:305
autoPtr< incompressible::turbulenceModel > turbulence
Turbulence model.
Definition steadyNS.H:299
volVectorField & U
Definition 06POD_RBF.C:67
volScalarField & p
Definition 06POD_RBF.C:68
volScalarField & nut
Definition 06POD_RBF.C:69
int main(int argc, char *argv[])