37#ifndef ReducedSimpleSteadyNS_H
38#define ReducedSimpleSteadyNS_H
47#include <unsupported/Eigen/NonLinearOptimization>
48#include <unsupported/Eigen/NumericalDiff>
94 word Folder =
Header file of the EigenFunctions class.
Header file of the ITHACAutilities namespace.
Header file of the Modes class.
Header file of the reducedProblem class.
Header file of the steadyNS class.
Implementation of a parametrized full order steady NS problem and preparation of the the reduced ma...
Base class for the implementation of a reduced problem.
Class where it is implemented a reduced problem for the steady Navier-stokes problem.
void solveOnline_Simple(scalar mu_now, int NmodesUproj, int NmodesPproj, int NmodesNut=0, int NmodesSup=0, word Folder="./ITHACAoutput/Reconstruct/")
Method to perform an online solve using a PPE stabilisation method.
int maxIterOn
Maximum iterations number for the online step.
SteadyNSSimple * problem
Full problem.
Eigen::MatrixXd vel_now
Imposed boundary conditions.
Construct Null.
Eigen::MatrixXd projGradModP
Projected gradient of the pressure modes.
volVectorModes ULmodes
Lifted velocity modes.
void setOnlineVelocity(Eigen::MatrixXd vel)
It checks if the number of imposed boundary conditions is correct and set the inlet velocity equal to...