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ITHACAutilities.C File Reference

Source file of the ITHACAutilities namespace. More...

#include "ITHACAutilities.H"
#include "ITHACAstream.H"
#include "ITHACAparameters.H"
#include "turbulentTransportModel.H"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  ITHACAutilities
 Namespace to implement some useful assign operation of OF fields.


Eigen::MatrixXd ITHACAutilities::rand (label rows, label cols, double min, double max)
 Generates random matrix with random values in an interval.
Eigen::MatrixXd ITHACAutilities::rand (label rows, Eigen::MatrixXd minMax)
 Generates random matrix with random values in an interval.
bool ITHACAutilities::isInteger (double ratio)
 This function checks if ratio is an integer.
bool ITHACAutilities::isTurbulent ()
 This function checks if the case is turbulent.
template<typename T >
List< TITHACAutilities::combineList (List< List< T > > &doubleList)
 Combine a list of list into a single list with unique elements.
template List< label > ITHACAutilities::combineList (List< List< label > > &doubleList)
Eigen::MatrixXd ITHACAutilities::pinv_eigen_based (Eigen::MatrixXd &origin, const float er=0)
 Using the Eigen library, using the SVD decomposition method to solve the matrix pseudo-inverse, the default error er is 0.
Eigen::MatrixXd ITHACAutilities::invertMatrix (Eigen::MatrixXd &matrixToInvert, const word inversionMethod)
 Invert a matrix given the method name in the ITHACAdict.

Detailed Description

Source file of the ITHACAutilities namespace.

Definition in file ITHACAutilities.C.